PBL - Curriculum Units

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PBL Unit Templates
PBL Unit Plans in 2024-25
PBL Unit Plans in 2023-24
PBL Unit Plans in 2022-23
PBL Unit Plans in 2021-22
PBL Unit Plans in 2020-21
PBL Unit Plans in 2019-20
PBL Unit Plans in 2018-19
PBL Unit Plans in 2017-18
Mini PBL Unit Plans
Dig Fab PBL Unit Plans and Pacing Guides
Content Unit Plans

At STEM School Chattanooga we hope to be able to share with everyone our work in PBL. In an effort to do so, we have created varied templates and plans that we use. Below you will find an explanation to each and a corresponding link to Google drive folders that have the documents. Feel free to use these documents for your school!

PBL Unit Templates
These templates provide the format we use for our planning as well as explanations in each section. This folder includes templates for:
--9th grade PBL units that are cross-curricular across language arts, mathematics, science, social studies and art
--10th grade PBL units that are cross-curricular across language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies 
--11th grade PBL units that are cross-curricular and are assessed on the process skills of critical thinking, collaboration and innovation
--Mini PBL units which are single content area PBL unit plans (can also include digital fabrication into this template if needed)
--Pacing guide which is used to help students plan out their PBL unit timeline, due dates and tasks (also includes an additional section for digital fabrication pacing if needed) 

PBL Unit Plans in 2024-25
These plans include the large scale cross-curricular PBL units implemented at each grade in 2024-25.

PBL Unit Plans in 2023-24
These plans include the large scale cross-curricular PBL units implemented at each grade in 2023-24.

PBL Unit Plans in 2022-23
These plans include the large scale cross-curricular PBL units implemented at each grade in 2022-23.

PBL Unit Plans in 2021-22
These plans include the large scale cross-curricular PBL units implemented at each grade in 2021-22.

PBL Unit Plans in 2020-2021
These plans include the large scale cross-curricular PBL units implemented at each grade in 2020-21. 

PBL Unit Plans in 2019-20
These plans include the large scale cross-curricular PBL units implemented at each grade in 2019-20. 

PBL Unit Plans in 2018-19
These plans include the large scale cross-curricular PBL units implemented at each grade in 2018-19. 

PBL Unit Plans in 2017-18
These plans include the large scale cross-curricular PBL units implemented at each grade in 2017-18. 

Mini PBL Unit Plans
These plans are for PBL units that have been implemented at our school in specific courses. These plans are for single content courses (or subject specific) and this folder will have examples from language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and related arts. 

Dig Fab PBL Unit Plans and Pacing Guides
These plans are similar to the Mini PBL unit plan in that the plan is for a single content course. However, these PBL plans also embed digital fabrication in the PBL unit and students are required to create products through the use of digital fabrication. For every Dig Fab PBL Unit Plan there is also a corresponding Pacing Guide that is used with students. 

Content Unit Plans
These plans are for units that have varied instructional strategies (not only PBL). These plans are very detailed and map out specific instructional plans taking place. In this folder we have many plans for courses across the language arts, mathematics, science, social studies and art.

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